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Archive / 2014

Virtual and augmented reality shopping hits the high street

Virtual reality (VR), a computer-simulated 3-D environment viewed through a computer screen or wireless glasses, or augmented reality (AR), which uses technology to alter the physical environment by adding sound, images or words to enhance the real-world experience, is on the retail agenda.

Currently the technology has more of an ‘event’ style presence as managers try to see what the value is and how to exploit it, but with development it may well become part of the everyday shopping practice

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How to work an omni-channel ecosystem

Rumour has it that online stores may well be complementing high street stores, working with them now rather than against. So while multichannel retailers are racking up sales online, they come as additional revenue, for the tills are still ringing in store.

This comes as good news for supporters of omni-channel retailing, indicating even more that this could truly be a new wave of shopping to line the pockets of the brands and retailers. As one in three people already use multiple channels when

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Which intuitive retail technology apps are boosting sales?

By 2016, 75% of the UK population will be using a smartphone, opening the door to even more digital opportunities for both customer and retailer.

With mobile technology, consumers have a 24/7/365 shopping window where they can research, locate and purchase from anywhere. The average mobile user spends 127 minutes per day on apps, Tech Crunch reports which is challenging television viewing figures of 168 minutes. Yet mobile budgets aren’t nearly as high as TV. Why?

Retailers need to be aware that

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Ten innovations on the i-street

In store technology is gaining momentum as retailers are exploring its potential to truly revolutionise shopping. It’s not just about developing highly practical and convenient tools; there is also room for an element of fun and entertainment.

Looking at the return on experience as well as the return on investment is key, believes Carmel Allen, editor-in-chief at GDR Creative Intelligence. “Simply put, technology should enhance life, be intuitive and make shopping a frictionless experience

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The IOT is here – what should retailers do next?

Retailers and consumers are just getting to grips with the pretty recent move toward omni-channel retailing. As a result, the gap is closing between the online and physical world of retail, creating one convenient shopping system. Yet now suddenly the next big thing is here – the Internet of Things’ (IOT) an even more convenient way of life that is offering people the reality of a fully-fledged digital lifestyle for retailers to tap into.

There are more than 10 billion wirelessly connected

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