EPoS makes you money!

What do consumers want from the Internet of Everything?

What do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…

10 years ago Amanda
According to a recent survey by Cisco – ‘customers want a convenient, contextually relevant shopping…
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10 years agoWhat do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…
Cash Still King With Millenials

Cash Still King With Millenials

9 years ago admin
It’s becoming more and more important to really understand how consumers are paying for things, especially in the retail sector, so that businesses can ensure they remain up to date with how their cus…
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9 years agoCash Still King With Millenials
Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMobile

Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…

10 years ago admin
At the recent RBTE show (Retail Business Technology Expo) in London I saw the Socket Mobile Cordless Hand Scanner (CHS) Bluetooth barcode scanners for the first time. I couldn’t help but think, when I…
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10 years agoHandy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…
Revamp your space with a digital 'feature' wall

Revamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall

10 years ago Amanda
Digital walls are being recognised as an effective way to provide an enhanced shopping experience. B…
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10 years agoRevamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall
Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

10 years ago Amanda
Apple Pay is dominating contactless payments in the US, taking two thirds of the share. For every…
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10 years agoApple Pay dominates US contactless payments

Is Argos driving the digital age?

Argos, the household goods retailer, is replacing the traditional with a digital alternative as it focuses on its place in the digital age.

Over all it is investing £300 million to reinvent itself from an old-style catalogue-led to a modern digitally-led business. Part of its plan are small format digital stores, with the first recently opening in London, setting a trend for local, convenience stores that cater for online orders over large format hub stores.

Argos sees convenience of a pickup point

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Is mobile the high street’s secret weapon?

Rumour has it that mobile could be on the verge of helping the high street to take back the top spot when it comes to preferred retail experiences. Many in the industry are arguing that while mobile is growing fast, with sales doubling in 2013 to £3bn according to Consultancy Capgemini, stores on the high street should embrace the technology and use it to their advantage, rather than panic.

Alan Gabbay, founder of local product finder app Udozi, believes that brick and mortar stores still have

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EPoS has a global footing in the multi-channel era

The adoption of self service and EPoS technology is set to continue to grow across all markets in support of the multi-channel era, according to Global EPOS and Self-Checkout 2014.

New emerging technologies and developments in retail will both support the growth of new solutions and complement them by offering added services such as consumer-actioned product scans, bagging and payment. Businesses are encouraged to seek opportunities for cashless and compact self-checkout formats, modular solutions

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3 steps to making your business multi-channel

It’s all very well having a plan to become a multi-channel business, but do you have a multi-channel business plan?

Retail Week’s ‘Fashion retail 2014’ reports that multi-channel is driving an agenda of innovation across retail organisations and that it is the biggest investment priority for fashion retailers right now. ‘Providing quality multi-channel service’ is the most mentioned challenge the sector faces, with eight out of fifteen retailers interviewed putting it in their top three

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Filling the gap between mobile and knowing what to do with it

Many businesses as they prepare for a mobile future currently have a courting relationship with mobile devices as they work out whether they are a good fit and crucially what to do together.

The practical in-house business benefits of mobile, for stock taking or on the spot ordering for example, are easier to recognise than the advantages that customer facing mobile apps can offer to consumers.

Now the pressure is on for companies to find the right opportunities to fill the gap. Josh Bernoff, research

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