EPoS makes you money!

What do consumers want from the Internet of Everything?

What do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…

10 years ago Amanda
According to a recent survey by Cisco – ‘customers want a convenient, contextually relevant shopping…
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10 years agoWhat do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…
Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

10 years ago Amanda
Apple Pay is dominating contactless payments in the US, taking two thirds of the share. For every…
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10 years agoApple Pay dominates US contactless payments
Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMobile

Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…

10 years ago admin
At the recent RBTE show (Retail Business Technology Expo) in London I saw the Socket Mobile Cordless Hand Scanner (CHS) Bluetooth barcode scanners for the first time. I couldn’t help but think, when I…
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10 years agoHandy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…
Cash Still King With Millenials

Cash Still King With Millenials

9 years ago admin
It’s becoming more and more important to really understand how consumers are paying for things, especially in the retail sector, so that businesses can ensure they remain up to date with how their cus…
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9 years agoCash Still King With Millenials
Revamp your space with a digital 'feature' wall

Revamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall

10 years ago Amanda
Digital walls are being recognised as an effective way to provide an enhanced shopping experience. B…
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10 years agoRevamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall

Top 5 tech tips for hotels

Hospitality owners looking to meet with customers’ expectations are advised to stay on top of the latest trending technologies that are used when booking or staying in hotels. The top five most recommended are: personal devices, virtual bookings, online travel agency websites, wifi and social media.

In the words of eRevMax, a provider of software solutions to the hospitality industry that delivered an info-graphic on the subject, “As consumers become more sophisticated about technology, they

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Use live, accurate data to achieve frequent, relevant sales

Right now, stock management systems are said to be having one of the greatest impacts on a customer’s multi-channel experience. Retailers, whose systems do not provide total visibility of stock for consumers, are particularly concerned and seeing consequences further down the line when it comes to meeting expectations of orders, deliveries and returns.

Critical to retailers overcoming this issue is the overhauling of legacy IT systems including EPoS systems. According to Retail Week, 33% of retailers

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Shopping environments use technology to support retailers

Regent Street, London, is driving footfall into its local stores using the latest consumer facing technologies. Potential customers will be targeted using a combination of mobile, beacon and app based technology.

Owned by the Crown Estate, Regent Street is one of several shopping environments to use the technologies to boost interaction with local people and tourists to help them plan their visits and discover new brands.

In this case, an app will use beacon technology to send promotions and useful

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What can an interactive table do for your business?

Interactive tables aren’t in every customer-facing environment yet, but they are certainly becoming more popular among retail and hospitality businesses that are looking to take a more multi-channel approach.

The tables are typically large touch screens that are wifi connected and they are displayed in busy footfall areas to provide added service to customers. This may simply be a case of product/store information or a form of electronic point of sale through self-service ordering. The majority

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Amazon Fire – the future of shopping?

Amazon has pushed the boundaries of shopping one step further, yet again, with the launch of its first smartphone, Amazon Fire.

The device is capable of recognising thousands of actual everyday items, through visuals or printed text, that people may want to buy and presenting a purchase option via the Amazon website. Users simply scan the item and wait to be directed to it online where it will be presented on screen in 3D.

In addition Amazon Fire can scan moving visuals like movies and TV programmes

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