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Cash Still King With Millenials

Cash Still King With Millenials

9 years ago admin
It’s becoming more and more important to really understand how consumers are paying for things, especially in the retail sector, so that businesses can ensure they remain up to date with how their cus…
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9 years agoCash Still King With Millenials
Revamp your space with a digital 'feature' wall

Revamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall

10 years ago Amanda
Digital walls are being recognised as an effective way to provide an enhanced shopping experience. B…
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10 years agoRevamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall
Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMobile

Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…

10 years ago admin
At the recent RBTE show (Retail Business Technology Expo) in London I saw the Socket Mobile Cordless Hand Scanner (CHS) Bluetooth barcode scanners for the first time. I couldn’t help but think, when I…
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10 years agoHandy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…
Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

10 years ago Amanda
Apple Pay is dominating contactless payments in the US, taking two thirds of the share. For every…
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10 years agoApple Pay dominates US contactless payments
What do consumers want from the Internet of Everything?

What do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…

10 years ago Amanda
According to a recent survey by Cisco – ‘customers want a convenient, contextually relevant shopping…
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10 years agoWhat do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…

Retailers awarded for their digital innovations

Interactive digital walls, digital catalogues and e-receipts have been recognised at the Retail Week Technology Awards 2014 as brilliant technology projects in retail.

Thomson, holiday design store, won ‘Digital store of the year’ with its external mood wall that aims to get passers-by in the holiday mood and an interactive map that allows shop visitors to explore the world as they look for a holiday destination. An interactive table also guides customers on hotels and offers a ‘mood’ image

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Hotel chains expand digital offering to customers

The GLH Hotels Management Group has introduced an ‘out of home’ digital technology solution to its Guoman and Thistle hotel chains.

Corporate and leisure guests will use the service to access the internet and social media, and personal digital and Microsoft Office files as well as for printing requirements. GLH Hotels Management Group expects the tool to be particularly useful to guests’ for work based presentations, boarding passes, rail and theatre tickets.

The roll out programme was designed

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US sees its biggest rollout of tabletop tablets

Chili’s Grill & Bar restaurant chain has opted for tabletop tablets in 823 of its company-owned Chili’s restaurants. The impressive the rollout is the largest of its kind in the US with more than 45,000 tablets being installed.

Austen Mulinder, CEO of Ziosk comments: “This rollout marks the first time a restaurant company has installed communal tablets at this scale…guests at nearly every Chili’s in the country can place orders, play games and pay their bills from

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Do consumers want a cashless society?

The adoption of contactless payment is being hindered by lack of understanding from consumers particular in terms of security risks.

In a survey by Vista Retail Support, a leading independent IT services company, supporting customers in the UK, Europe and North America, more than a third of consumers (38%) are avoiding contactless payment methods.

One reason for the slow adoption is simply down to card holders not recognising which of their bank cards support contactless payment or if they do, they

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Yesterday’s personalised service with tomorrow’s improved technology

Digital technology has greatly impacted on consumer shopping habits over the past few years making things a little disjointed.

Buying and browsing items either online or by mobile phone and tablet is the convenient and flexible option for many people today to the extent that the actual retail outlet is struggling to establish where it fits in. Some retailers suggest that the store wins out when a customer service is required or the consumer wants to interact with the product first, where as virtual

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