EPoS makes you money!

Cash Still King With Millenials

Cash Still King With Millenials

9 years ago admin
It’s becoming more and more important to really understand how consumers are paying for things, especially in the retail sector, so that businesses can ensure they remain up to date with how their cus…
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9 years agoCash Still King With Millenials
Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

10 years ago Amanda
Apple Pay is dominating contactless payments in the US, taking two thirds of the share. For every…
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10 years agoApple Pay dominates US contactless payments
What do consumers want from the Internet of Everything?

What do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…

10 years ago Amanda
According to a recent survey by Cisco – ‘customers want a convenient, contextually relevant shopping…
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10 years agoWhat do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…
Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMobile

Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…

10 years ago admin
At the recent RBTE show (Retail Business Technology Expo) in London I saw the Socket Mobile Cordless Hand Scanner (CHS) Bluetooth barcode scanners for the first time. I couldn’t help but think, when I…
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10 years agoHandy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…
Revamp your space with a digital 'feature' wall

Revamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall

10 years ago Amanda
Digital walls are being recognised as an effective way to provide an enhanced shopping experience. B…
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10 years agoRevamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall

Shopping centre pushes Beacon marketing

Beacon technology has arrived in shopping centres. The Swan Centre in Eastleigh on the south coast of the UK is the first shopping centre to utilise the new technology.

Retailers within the centre can now recognise customers who have come there to shop, and send targeted adverts and discounts direct to their mobile phones via blue tooth.

TagPoints, the Brighton based start-up company who developed the technology linked its Tag-Beacon to the Centre’s SmartRewards loyalty programme. Along with

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Monsoon Accessorize to provide true multi-channel shopping

Monsoon Accessorize has launched a new mobile electronic-point-of-sale system with the use of iPads. The solution aims to provide a true multi-channel environment that makes it easy to engage with customers while keeping the transactional process as simple as possible.

Store’ staff use the iPads to show customers the retailer’s extended product range, to locate stock, and to complete a sale on the spot using a wireless Chip and PIN device.

Pete Byrne, Head of IT Monsoon: “We want to ensure

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Success follows Shoe Zone’s multi-channel focus

A multi-channel focus has seen Shoe Zone, the value footwear retailer boost its sales and profits. Online ordering in store, kiosks, web exclusives and improved payment options are responsible for the rise.

Pre-tax profit increased 12.3% to £9.5m in the 53 weeks to 5 October 2013, when turnover was up 2.4% to £193.9m.

The retailer introduced online ordering to its 550 stores which is managed by the staff on behalf of the customers, and twelve stores saw kiosks installed to enable the browsing

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Customers create their own digital experience

Where vendors are struggling to provide a digital experience in store, consumers are filling in the gaps themselves.

85% of 2,000 consumers recently surveyed by The Bio Agency could not name a high street retailer with a really good digital experience in store. As a result, with the majority of customers now shopping with a mobile in hand, they are taking it upon themselves to deliver the digital aspects of shopping that they expect.

Almost half of those surveyed want to use their phone to get more

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Raising the roof and sales with EPoS run promotions

The Litten Tree, a bar in Hereford saw its night’s taking go from £800 to over £2500 with The Exchange.

This fun and interactive tool has been recognised by hospitality businesses globally for engaging customers, encouraging them to extend their visit, return week after week, and increase their spend per head.

Paul Neades, General Manager, Litten Tree Hereford, part of the Stonegate Pub Company tells of his experience.

Attracting cliental

“We started The Exchange on a Thursday here in Hereford

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