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What do consumers want from the Internet of Everything?

What do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…

10 years ago Amanda
According to a recent survey by Cisco – ‘customers want a convenient, contextually relevant shopping…
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10 years agoWhat do consumers want from the Internet of Everyt…
Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMobile

Handy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…

10 years ago admin
At the recent RBTE show (Retail Business Technology Expo) in London I saw the Socket Mobile Cordless Hand Scanner (CHS) Bluetooth barcode scanners for the first time. I couldn’t help but think, when I…
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10 years agoHandy Bluetooth Scanner by SocketMo…
Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

Apple Pay dominates US contactless payments

10 years ago Amanda
Apple Pay is dominating contactless payments in the US, taking two thirds of the share. For every…
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10 years agoApple Pay dominates US contactless payments
Revamp your space with a digital 'feature' wall

Revamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall

10 years ago Amanda
Digital walls are being recognised as an effective way to provide an enhanced shopping experience. B…
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10 years agoRevamp your space with a digital ‘feature’ wall
Cash Still King With Millenials

Cash Still King With Millenials

9 years ago admin
It’s becoming more and more important to really understand how consumers are paying for things, especially in the retail sector, so that businesses can ensure they remain up to date with how their cus…
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9 years agoCash Still King With Millenials

A retailers’ guide to being prepared for m-commerce

Smartphone penetration in the UK has reached 48.4% of the population, according to the European Travel Commission’s New Media Trend Watch.

Retailers were quick to take advantage of the digital lifestyle and according to IMRG more than 50% of smart phone and tablet owners are accessing retailers’ web stores and brands via mobile phone. Argos’ mobile sales rose 114% in the four months from March to June 2013, compared with the same period last year and now mobile sales account for 15% of total

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McDonalds push for a digital ecosystem

Following the roll out contactless payments in all of its 1,200 UK stores, reported to be one of the largest of its kind UK, McDonald’s continues to stay up to date and embrace technology deployment.

The fast food chain is now engaging with customers through interactive technologies in its restaurants. Self service kiosks, tablets and 3D printing are all being introduced to meet with the mind set of its tech-savvy customers and ultimately to afford the restaurant further business growth.


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Christmas online retail spend to hit record level

With the help of mobile devices, online retail spend figures will hit a record number of an estimated £10bn in December this year.

According to analysis carried out on the IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index, as well as going over the £10bn mark for the first time ever, the new findings also show that during the November and December period of 2013, consumer online retail spend will reach a total of £20.4bn.

Tina Spooner, chief information officer at IMRG said: “For the first time in 3 years

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Which technology should retailers embrace?

There are conflicted views in the retail industry with reports suggesting that retailers aren’t grasping exactly how to utilise technology.

Following a decline in in-store footfall, it appears that brick and mortar retail stores are now taking steps to become showrooms in order to work in harmony with online stores rather than against them. Despite the obvious decline in consumer numbers, figures from the British Retail Consortium show that the fall is in fact slowing. In the first six months

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The next steps for retail IT

Best technology, user experience and managing the online image are considered the key focus areas for retailers’ online sales strategy, following a recent CW500 Club event on Retail IT.

As the battle of high street and online retailing continues industry experts came together to debate ideas that follow today’s digital trend. Three IT leaders discussed their views and experiences within retail IT in a session titled ‘The high street vs the internet and the lessons for other sectors’.


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